BT-500 V2.0 – 500 Series Bluetooth Streaming Module
The BT-500 V2.0 provides a quick, trouble-free solution to accessing streamed audio from your mobile devices over Bluetooth and guaranteeing the highest possible quality along the way.
The BT-500 V2.0 provides a quick, trouble-free solution to accessing streamed audio from your mobile devices over Bluetooth and guaranteeing the highest possible quality along the way.
The Clarett+ OctoPre is perfect for both the aspiring and professional engineer. Eight high headroom, low noise, and low distortion Clarett+ preamps — featuring All-analogue Air with relay-controlled circuitry — capture drums, vocals, and acoustic instruments with superb clarity.
La nouvelle antenne architecturale Diversity de RF Venue est un système d’antenne haute performance pour microphones sans fil. Dotée d’un boîtier à profil mince, l’antenne architecturale Diversity peut être installée dans n’importe quelle position sur un mur ou un plafond et peut être peinte pour correspondre à n’importe quel intérieur.
The new Diversity Architectural Antenna by RF Venue is a high performance antenna system for wireless microphones. Featuring a slim profile enclosure, the Diversity Architectural Antenna can be installed in any position on a wall or ceiling and can be painted to match any interior.
La dernière mise à jour de Steinberg pour Cubase voit une amélioration significative par rapport au script HUI précédent.
Steinberg’s latest update to Cubase sees a significant improvement from the previous HUI script. Now, Launchkey owners can use their MIDI keyboards seamlessly with vastly improved functionality in Cubase 12.
ArmoníaPlus 2.3 est une mise à jour majeure qui permet aux concepteurs de systèmes et aux intégrateurs d’avoir un contrôle plus complet de la solution de distribution dynamique de musique de Powersoft.
ArmoníaPlus 2.3 is a major update that enables system designers and integrators to have more full control of the Powersoft’s Dynamic Music Distribution solution.
Le débat est enfin clos. L’UT Twin87 capture l’essence des incarnations originales classiques et modernes de la conception de microphone “87-style”.
The debate is finally over, the UT Twin87 captures the essence of both the original classic and modern incarnations of the “87-style” microphone design.